
An EEG dataset for interictal epileptiform discharge with spatial distribution information

Abstract Interictal epileptiform discharge (IED) and its spatial distribution are crucial for the diagnosis, classification and treatment of epilepsy. Manual annotation by electroencephalography (EEG) experts led to a lack of publicly available datasets from multiple epilepsy centers, impeding the development of automatic IED detection. We present an EEG database containing annotated interictal epileptic EEG data from 84 patients. We extracted 20-minute continuous raw EEG data from each patient, amassing 28 hours in total. IEDs and the state of consciousness (wake/sleep) were meticulously annotated by at least 3 EEG experts. Based on the occurrence regions, the discharges are categorized into five types: generalized IED, frontal IED, temporal IED, occipital IED, and centro-parietal IED. All EEG data were segmented into 4-second epochs. This resulted 2,516 IED epochs and 22,933 non-IED epochs totally. We develop a VGG model for IED detection trained and validated on the present dataset. The integration of consciousness information improves model performance, particularly at high levels of sensitivity. Furthermore, our dataset is demonstrated to serve as a robust tool for validating existing IED detection models and for automatically classifying IEDs types based on spatial distribution.

Age distribution of patients in the dataset.

Schematic Diagram of EEG electrode placement, including the five spatial region for classifying IEDs.

Percentage and count of each IED type classified by spatial location.

Generalized IED Frontal IED Temporal IED Centro-parietal IED Occipital IED Precision Sensitivity
Generalized IED 504 48 8 5 8 0.913 0.880
Frontal IED 40 329 68 8 13 0.760 0.718
Temporal IED 7 41 631 5 18 0.812 0.899
Centro-parietal IED 0 5 13 348 0 0.935 0.951
Occipital IED 1 10 57 6 343 0.898 0.823

The table above exhibits a confusion matrix derived from five-fold cross-validation, tailored for the classification of five types of IEDs. The VGG model has demonstrated remarkable performance, achieving over 70% in both precision and sensitivity. This result further validates the high applicability and effectiveness of our dataset in training and classifying IED types based on spatial distribution.


Multimodal Interictal Epileptiform Discharge Detection Method Based on Video and Electroencephalogram Data [1]

Abstract enhance deep learning-based automated interictal epileptiform discharge (IED) detection, this study proposes a multimodal method, vEpiNet, that leverages video and electroencephalogram (EEG) data. Datasets comprise 24 931 IED (from 484 patients) and 166 094 non-IED 4-second video-EEG segments. The video data is processed by the proposed patient detection method, with frame difference and Simple Keypoints (SKPS) capturing patients' movements. EEG data is processed with EfficientNetV2. The video and EEG features are fused via a multilayer perceptron. We developed a comparative model, termed nEpiNet, to test the effectiveness of the video feature in vEpiNet. The 10-fold cross-validation was used for testing. The 10-fold cross-validation showed high areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) in both models, with a slightly superior AUROC (0.9902) in vEpiNet compared to nEpiNet (0.9878). Moreover, to test the model performance in real-world scenarios, we set a prospective test dataset, containing 215 hours of raw video-EEG data from 50 patients. The result shows that the vEpiNet achieves an area under the precision-recall curve (AUPRC) of 0.8623, surpassing nEpiNet's 0.8316. Incorporating video data raises precision from 70% (95% CI, 69.8%-70.2%) to 76.6% (95% CI, 74.9%-78.2%) at 80% sensitivity and reduces false positives by nearly a third, with vEpiNet processing one-hour video-EEG data in 5.7 minutes on average. Our findings indicate that video data can significantly improve the performance and precision of IED detection, especially in prospective real clinic testing. It suggests that vEpiNet is a clinically viable and effective tool for IED analysis in real-world applications.

Overview of the proposed multimodal method. The data is collected from two primary sources: electrical and video data. The proposed vEpiNet also contains two branches: the above branch processes and extracts features from the electrical signal, and the bottom branch processes and extracts the motion features from the video data. Finally, the features of two sources are fused together, and the classifier makes decisions based on them.

Comparisons of different models. (a) Precision-Recall (PR) curves of the vEpiNet and nEpiNet models on the retrospective and prospective test sets. (b) Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves of the vEpiNet and nEpiNet models on the retrospective and prospective test sets. (c) Precision-Recall (PR) curves of nEpiNet, ResnEpiNet, and VggnEpiNet. (d) Precision-Recall (PR) curves of vEpiNet, ResvEpiNet, and VggvEpiNet.

[1]Nan Lin, Weifang Gao, Lian Li, Junhui Chen, Zi Liang, Gonglin Yuan, Heyang Sun, Qing Liu, Jianhua Chen, Liri Jin, Yan Huang, Xiangqin Zhou, Shaobo Zhang, Peng Hu, Chaoyue Dai, Haibo He, Yisu Dong, Liying Cui, Qiang Lu,
vEpiNet: A multimodal interictal epileptiform discharge detection method based on video and electroencephalogram data,
Neural Networks,Volume 175,2024,106319,ISSN 0893-6080,


A Multimodal Interictal Epileptiform Discharge Detection System Based on vEpiNet

The vEpiSpy system achieves, for the first time, the integration of patient video and EEG data, faithfully emulating physicians' annotation methods when interpreting EEGs. This substantially enhances the accuracy of EEG-based AI detection, with specificity and sensitivity reaching 90% and 80%, respectively, and an error rate of less than 40%, comparable to the interpretive capabilities of human EEG experts in clinical trials. Additionally, vEpiSpy seamlessly integrates with hospital EEG software, enabling physicians to access AI-annotated EEG results without additional steps. With the assistance of vEpiSpy, physicians' interpretation time is reduced by an average of one third, resulting in an approximately 50% increase in efficiency and significant savings in human resources.
vEpiSpy configuration platform, program runs automatically, continuously reads EEG files and automatically marks them.
Seamless integration with EEG software, doctors can directly see AI annotation points.
vEpiSpy is gradually being used in major hospitals.


September 7, 2023

vEpiSpy officially made its debut at the 26th National Neurological Academic Conference. Dr. Lin Nan, a neurologist from Peking Union Medical College Hospital, published a report on a multimodal epileptic like discharge detection system based on YOLOv5 and SKPS human motion capture models, which received unanimous praise from attending experts.